- Monkey
teddy bear
and many more

· Paper Strip (Brown)
· Quilling tools
· Glue
· Scissors
· Eye
· Face made of mseal or clay
Method and construction:
For this we need

Stick the edges of two strips together to make it a long strip of 60 cm. Make a loose coil of 60 cm strip and take it off the tool. Stick the edge. Pinch one end of a loose coil to convert it into a Teardrop shape to form the body of the bear. Similarly roll one 30 cm strip and two 15 cm strip to form face and legs of the monkey.

Take a paper strip of 7 cm and make a loose roll. Now pinch 2 points at the opposite side. One towards inside while other towards outside.
- Make the tail of the monkey with a loose curve. Now stick the pieces on paper. Stick the eyes on the face of the monkey

· Paper Strip (Purple, pink and yellow)
· Quilling tools
· Glue
· Scissors
Method and construction:
For this we need Teardrop (4 in total 1 large and 3 medium)
Take a 30 cm strip. Make a loose coil and take it off the tool. Stick the edge. Pinch one end of a loose coil to convert it into a
Teardrop shape.(1 big )
This will form the body of the mouse of about 3 cm width.
Make similar small shapes with 14 cm purple strip for the head and two 15 cm pink coil for ears. Simple coil
Take a purple paper strip of 7 cm each .Coil the edge of strip with the quilling tool, to make a loose coil to form a tail.
Similarly make a tight coil with 7 cm strip and Stick the loose end to it to form the nose.
Triangle shape (1 in total)
Take a yellow paper strip of 30 cm .With a loose roll pinch 3 points at the same time, pressing the sides with your thumb and forefinger as you go. This will form the cheese of the mice
Make a tight coil with a 15 cm strip to form the nose
Stick the pieces of mouse as shown in the diagram on the gift tag

· Paper Strip (Brown and Red)
· Quilling tools
· Glue
· Scissors
· Black Motis-2
Method and construction:
For this we need Teardrop (1)
Take a strip of 30 cm.. Make a loose coil and take it off the tool. Stick the loose end to coil. Pinch one end of a loose coil to convert it into a Teardrop shape . It forms the lower body of the teddy

Take a brown strip of 30 cm .Coil the edge of the strip with the quilling tool to make a loose coil and stick the edge to itself to make the head. Similarly make four more such circles with 14 cm strips (half strip) to form hands and legs.
Half Circle shape (2 in total)
Flatten one side of a loose roll by pinching the circle in 2 points the bottom. Make such 2 shape of brown strip of 14 cm (half strip) to form the ears
Slitting the red strip lengthwise, make a red bow .Stick the pieces of teddy bear as shown in the diagram .Stick black motis on face to give the eye effect.

· Paper Strip (orange, and brown)
· Quilling tool
· Glue
· Scissors
· Eye
Method and construction:
For this we needSemi U shaped (1 in total)
Stick two strips of mustard yellow from the edge to make a long strip of 58 cm.Make loose roll and stick the edges. Now convert it into semi u by pinching the top two ends.
Teardrop shape (1 in total)
Make loose roll of brown paper strip (15 cm length) .Now convert it into a Teardrop shape by pinching one end of it .Stick the free end to itself after relaxing the roll a little OFF the tool.
Curled teardrop (2 in total)
Variation of above, just curl downward, the pinched point. Take orange paper strip of 15 cm each to make the ears.
Bunny Ears (2 in total)
Take a 15 cm brown paper strip. Make these by pinching the loose roll at both sides of the top of the roll.
Square (4 in total, 2 big, 2 medium)
Take a 15 cm orange paper strip .Make a loose coil and pinch it at opposing ends to create this eye shape , turn it 90 digs pinch again ... and then do that for the opposite 3 sides.
Simple coil (2 in total)
Take a brown paper strip of 10 cm each . bend it from middle to form a V shape. Coil the two edges of strip outwards with the quilling tool, after 5-6 coils leave it loose
M-shape (2 in total)
Take a brown paper strip of 15 cm each. Make a loose coil and pinch it on two sides. Now in the middle of the two pinch the coil inwards to make an M.
Now stick the parts of giraffe on paper. On the clay face sticks the eyes and makes the expressions of giraffe with help of paint and brush.

· Paper Strip (orange, and mustard)
· Quilling tool
· Glue
· Scissors
· Eye
· Clay face
· Black paint
Method and construction:
For this we need

Stick two sticks from edge to make a long strip of 60 cm. make loose roll of mustard yellow paper strip. Stick the edge. Now convert it into semi U by pinching the top two ends.
Teardrop shape (1 in total)
Make a loose coil of 15 cm strip and take it off the tool of orange colour. Stick the edge. Pinch one end of a loose coil to convert it into a Teardrop shape for tail.
Bunny Ears (2 in total)
Take a 15 cm mustard yellow paper strip. Make these by pinching the loose roll at both sides of the top of the roll to make the hands.
Square (2 in total)
Take 14 cm mustard yellow paper strip .Make a loose coil and pinch it at opposing ends to create this eye shape, turn it 90 digs pinch again ... and then do that for the opposite 3 sides
Simple coil (2 in total)
For ears take orange strip of 7 cm each .Coil the edge of the strip with the quilling tool, stick the edge to itself
Make the hair of lion by making curled vs. of orange paper strip. Now stick the other parts of lion . On the clay face sticks the eyes and makes the expressions of lion with help of paint.
You can make other animals with help of the shape of coils just taught. Use your imagination and creativity to make your own paper quilling zoo.
You can learn these fun quilling patterns
paper quilling instructions
Greeting Cards
Birthday Objects
Other objects
Try these by clicking the link above
If you want quiiling tools, quilling strips and quilling kits at reasonable price you can contact here
Do post your comments and suggestions
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